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04 Apr 2024 7:59 a.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "Samurai weaponry(Yari)" to "Samurai weaponry (Yari)?"Removed from Medieval Discussion boardRemoved from Renaissance Discussion board

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Paskal Supporting Member of TMP04 Apr 2024 5:40 a.m. PST

Hello everyone
There were three types of Yari blades that came in at least eight variations.

My question is when and by what types of troops were used, those of the jū-ji form, (cross-shaped) in their jūmonji yari variant with its cross-shaped blades?

Glengarry504 Apr 2024 9:57 a.m. PST

I've never heard of any particular yari variation being restricted to one troop type or another, foot or mounted, Samurai or Ashigura, except for the nagae yari long shafted spear (or pike) carried by Ashigura in the latter part of the Sengoku period in the 16th century.

old china04 Apr 2024 10:06 a.m. PST

Not sure what you mean by 'what types of troops'.

Samurai chose their own weapons, ashigaru and hastily raised levies were given basic pole weapons from their lord's armoury. Long shafted yari tended to be distributed among poorly trained troops, if their instinct was to cluster together, they might as well be pikemen.

Find a copy of Japanese Polearms' by Roald Knutsen. Knutsen-san was my sensei many years ago, he knew his stuff.

Paskal Supporting Member of TMP05 Apr 2024 1:31 a.m. PST

Yes, it's also true, I have the impression that those of the jū-ji form, (cross-shaped) in their jūmonji yari variant with its cross-shaped blades were used more by the samurai.

Paskal Supporting Member of TMP06 Apr 2024 12:06 a.m. PST

I have looked a lot and I have not yet been able to find any representations of times showing ashigaru with yari of the jū-ji form, (cross-shaped) in their jūmonji yari variant with its cross-shaped blades!!!

On the other hand, I also noticed that two recognized "specialists" like Anthony J. Bryant and Stephen Turnbull do not even agree on the length of the yari, in fact according to these two authors, each clan had yari of a specific length.

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